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Customer Stories

Customer Stories

Every company has success stories, and we're no exception. The key is choosing which ones to share. Most companies cherry-pick their customers to ensure what they share will be glowing compliments.

Sure, we thought about that when reaching out to these three standout clients. Meanwhile, we also chose these because what they do, and what we do for them, are quite different from one another. So we opted for diversity rather than pomp.

We hope you enjoy what they have to share, and perhaps they'll resonate with what you're looking for. We humbly pride ourselves on Custom Solutions For Unique Challenges, and that means if you become a client of ours, you're special and unique. Because we're not a cookie-cutter shop. We're here for everything you need, and nothing you don't.


Russell Wilkins, Associate Athletic Director for New Revenue at Wichita State University

How long has WSU's athletic department worked with The Print Source?
So long I can’t remember! At least 30 years or more. It’s just been a great relationship, and the longevity proves it.
How did you discover us?
Leon, Karen and the Lungwitz family have been supporters of the sports program since the late ‘60’s or early ‘70’s, first as season ticket holders, and later as a quality supplier. And the relationship just kept growing as the years went on.
What “sold” you on doing business with us?
The knowledge and customer service are second to none. You guys always know the right questions to ask. The quality is always high. And the customer service – especially having one point of contact – keeps things running smoothly and accurately, which gets me off the ledge of craziness sometimes.
What are we really good at?
Vetting an idea. “Will this work?” And if not, how can it?” And then you come up with the answer, the solution to our challenge. You guys almost never say no, but if you have to, you’ll know exactly where we should turn to. That unselfishness is rare.
Any special projects come to mind that exemplify our value to your company?
We were developing a targeted mail campaign. And as with any marketing program, ensuring you have the right audience is critical. Your team helped us build the database, so the project had a firm footing. Not many people would expect that from a “printing company,” but you guys are so much more than that.
What would you tell a prospective customer about us?
Great value. The utmost quality; you guys take huge pride in that. But maybe what stands out the most is the exemplary customer service.
Anything else you’d like to share?
No project is too big or too small. They all get “Print Source service.” I’ve even used you for my daughter’s softball team’s banner. And of course the service and quality were still top notch.

Robert Buckingham, Product Manager at HOC Industries, Inc.

How long has your company worked with The Print Source?
Well over 17 years, even before I joined HOC. For the last 12 years I’ve worked directly with Telly and Jack, and they’re great. Whether it’s a big project or a small one, they’re always ready If I need additional support such as specific, custom art files or a “clean proof” (no vendor marks, so I can send to our customers before a label is adhered to a bottle), they don’t bat an eyelash, and get it to me right away. TPS is far more than just a label vendor. Even if I just need samples for planning, they’re happy to oblige. You’re a key partner to HOC.
How did you discover us?
I believe it was based on an early relationship with our founder and your CEO, Stu Lungwitz. So the partnership goes way back, and has grown over the years.
What are we really good at?
We work with you through challenges together, as a team. It’s a joint effort. And TPS is so accountable! I appreciate the open and continuous communication. Telly and Jack are just great to work with. Plus I love it that TPS is local. And even with all the added value you provide, your prices are still competitive.
Any special projects come to mind that exemplify our value to your company?
Recently we had a new product with a tight timeframe. Normally you turn standard projects in 7-10 days or less, tops. But this one required expediting production and delivery. Telly and Jack responded, “No problem.” We needed those new product labels in 3 days or less, and you met the challenge!
What would you tell a prospective customer about us?
Responsive. Easy to work with. I know that you’re going to take care of business. You always meet, or exceed, my needs, and in a timely manner.
Anything else you’d like to share?
A few years back, you held a workshop and tour where customers came in, and they demonstrated their capabilities in a specific area, which on that visit was Metalphoto®. But the tour really opened my eyes, as I also saw firsthand the other things you do. And aside from the learning, it gave me a chance to engage with other Print Source customers, which is always valuable. Plus, I got to meet more of your team, the folks I don’t always hear about but appreciate. That was a nice touch. I wish more vendors did that.

Robin Fenton, Education Consultant and Project Director at Flight Works Alabama

How long have you worked with The Print Source?
Over 16 years. We began when I was a member of Jubilee, a “hub,” or non-profit organization affiliated with Best Robotics that encompassed Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. TPS designed and printed our aircraft kits after our sister hub, Kansas Best, worked with your folks and others in Wichita to design the first kits for their Just Plane Crazy program.
Years later, when Flight Works Alabama opened in 2020, we “rediscovered” TPS when Airbus, who partnered with us for the groundbreaking, said “We want kids to build planes like they did in Wichita years ago. Tools, bolts, pop rivets, fasteners, the whole nine yards.” I tracked down y’all and said, “I need help redesigning this airplane.” You jumped in, partnered on design, and cut the planes for groundbreaking.
What “sold” you on doing business with us?
You were referred to us by Randy Atkinson, the Textron engineer who volunteered at Wichita State University in developing the initial Kansas Best airplane kits. And after the first project with you, we were sold on The Print Source.
What are we really good at?
Your team can take an idea in its infancy and make it come to life. You’re consultants, really. From a napkin drawing, all through design and production, you make it happen, smiling all along the way!
What would you tell a prospective customer about us?
The Print Source team is exceptional. Helpful. Collaborative. Expect proactive service and a quality product, every time. You’re always moving forward. We never have to worry about whether the final product will be accurate and on time, because it always is. And that’s more important than ever as we expand across the U.S., and now abroad!
You partner with us, asking questions, providing feedback, making suggestions on what may work better. And that’s invaluable to us.
Anything else you’d like to share?
Of all the vendors we’ve worked with, TPS is right at the top, and from Day One. We know you’re here today, and will be tomorrow. As we grow, you’ll be right there with us for the long haul.
I can’t say enough good things about The Print Source!